X1 mkII Maping For 4 Deck, With Working standart functions

Description and Instructions

Hello Guys  

So, I saw much maping for this controller, but all weren't pleasant to me....

Somewhere removed function, somewhere work only on MIDI-Mode etc

I decided to make my own Maping for this Controller


I represent to you 


You will have:

- All standart function of X1 mk2


- Control 4 decks (A\B\C\D) 

How it works 

Control 4 Decks 

Switch to control Deck C -  hold "Shift" button and push "Loop Encoder", that's all! Now you control Deck C.

For return to Control Deck A, you must do same comand - hold "Shift" button and  push "Loop Encoder"

And similar Action for deck B\D

1. LCD Display and sensor line not works on C\D Decks..... Becouse this commands is closed on maping manager, But I think this is not Problem for you ;)
On A\B decks LCD works well!
2. Now Grid cue this is Cyan Colour, becouse white colour is closed in Maping Manager, I think this is not problem too)


1. remove standart maping
2. import this maping

So guys, Enjoy!

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v1.0.0
mijael 11 months ago
gracias por el aporte!
kokein over 4 years ago
Hello :) Oh boy, this is it ! Now i can Assign FX Buttons [FX] to my (Kontrol F1) effects on Deck C&C - wow ! Perfect... Almost :) BUT there is a lack of one (for me) very important feature: While pressing SHIFT and touching strip it does not do the main function: Player Stopped -> Shift + Touch Strip (should) do the needle search (seek) Player Playing -> Shift - Touch Strip (should) do the "seek on stop" - aka Scratch ..and in Traktor Browser Knob dont open folders (only scroll but not open folders) Any chances to correct this issue? All the best! Good job ! Nick
J Gomez Nerea almost 5 years ago
Thanks for sharing this works very good, just one thing that maybe can be fixed i dont know? 1. the Loop Encoder dont work anymore for open folders (you can scroll but not open folders) i am using traktor 3.0.1 14 thanks for the mapping this and the one for the Z1 make me really happy : ) keep on the good work! M.
J Gomez Nerea almost 5 years ago
Thanks a lot it works perfect very good work
anderson almost 6 years ago
thank you! great job man.