Deck/FX/Browser Control

Description and Instructions

There are two mapping files included. 

x1mk2_1.csv is for decks 1 and 2
x1mk2_2.csv is for decks 3 and 4

Before using, make sure you have labelled the your X1's separately in the controller editor. 

Put your X1 MK2's into midi mode by holding shift then pressing < and > buttons simultaneously.
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.1.0
eddiefunky over 4 years ago
this mapping works on rekordbox V6? Thanks!
Fabio Fusco almost 5 years ago
What crazy is that ???? I have to do the mapping myself ???? If so, what is the purpose of this download ????
Ramm Dj almost 6 years ago
Faltan varias funciones y que los led enciendan cuando se activan efectos, pero esta bien el mapping
alernjc over 5 years ago

Bajo windows me funciona perfecto. Desde Mac, funciona, pero no aparecen los leds. A alguien le pasa?

federico about 5 years ago

Hola, has podido solucionarlo? Me pasa con Mac

Álvaro over 4 years ago

mismo problema

Thorsten about 7 years ago
Hallo, i tried this mapping but recordbox dont use the the Parameters .. can you help me
Anthony Alonso about 7 years ago

Hello, I no longer have X1's to test this version of the mapping. Which parameters are not working?

Álvaro over 4 years ago

the lights do not work and the tempo number stay at 0 all time

Adam Jones over 7 years ago
Hi, do you have a guide to get this going? I'm a complete novice and although I can get the map loaded in rekordbox, I can't get the buttons to light or the led readout to display. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks Adam
Toby about 7 years ago

i can't get the buttons to light, too....some ideas? thanks Toby

Guy about 6 years ago

You need to press '<' + Shift + '>' on the X1 to enable midi mode, then it works

Roland over 5 years ago

that doesn't seem to work with rekordbox 5.4.3... Need help on this please!!!!