2 FX launchcontrol mapping
Description and Instructions
This is a mapping for the Novation Launchpad to control 2 FX units in Traktor. Works for both single and group modes.
The controller is split vertically into 2 sides with 2 rows of 4 knobs and 4 buttons each. The left side controls FX unit 1 and the right side controls FX unit 2.
the bottom buttons and knobs control the FX buttons and knobs in either single or group mode. the top rows of knobs select the effect to be controlled from the traktor effect list.
(Must hold down the shift button. Shift button is the small right arrow button on the far right of the controller, to eliminate accidentally changing the effect while controlling it.)
Mapping is pretty straight forward. if you have any questions, just leave a comment here or email me at theskyis256k[at]gmail[dot]com
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