DDJ-SB2 for Traktor Pro2.10
Description and Instructions
DDJ-SB2 for Traktor Pro2.10 (NOT WORKING AT 100%)

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Andrew over 2 years ago
This is an all around solid mapping. Even works pretty well in TP3. Appreciate the hard work you put into this.
Rob over 7 years ago
Tempo fader is not precise, auto loop function does not work properly nor manual loop function
Guilherme over 8 years ago
HI, can't seem to make the headphone work at all, and the Vinyl button of the Deck B\D don't work,
Headphone Level don't work
Master Level don't work
Cant seem to make the D\W Fx toggle Work as well
i can't Cue in the headphone
can you help me??
Will Oliver over 7 years ago
MY OPINION: it´s pretty solid, all hot cue panel functions are working, maual loop doesn't work tho, autoloop always set loops at 32 and i had to manually switch them with the mouse. the only issue i found was that FX won't work, or idk if i have to set something on the preferences, i mean, all buttons and faders move perfectly on the software when i move the controller, but they don't sound on the main output nor the monitors. any help? thanks a lot dude, good job btw Vinyl doens't work
Guilherme over 8 years ago
HI, can't seem to make the headphone work at all, and the Vinyl button of the Deck B\D don't work,
Headphone Level don't work
Master Level don't work
Cant seem to make the D\W Fx toggle Work as well
i can't Cue in the headphone
can you help me??
WizardOfEight about 2 years ago
Hey, how did you get this to work? I can't seem to get audio out of my headphones, either que or master. Also the que buttons don't work. Would very much appreciate if you have any tips.