Neon Djay

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Comments for v0.1.0
DJ StuB about 7 years ago
Is anyone interested in a new version?
Marvin Avilla almost 7 years ago

yes please let me know

dgconder about 8 years ago
Revised Comments: Hot cue - I had to kill start and end cue as it interfered with hot cue 4 and 8. Hot loop - pad 8 seems to be on/off loop instead of pad 4 as documented. Pad 4 seems be last. These seem flipped from documentation. another hot loop issue is if a hot loop is created then toggled off (but not deleted) if you go to hot cue it re-enables it. Prior top deleting start and end cue If you left yourself some headroom with deck volume you can very easily bounce back to 100% volume because of the way the velocity resets deck volume. Rotary timing knob - does not seem to honor user set time values in many modes. i.e loop slicer it goes back 1/2. Other odd rotary things in Manual loop. Even though it normally tops out at 32. Sometimes returning from other modes you can get 10X that value. The value that gets executed is often one fourth of the value selected. Sample abandons the volume and leaves it tied to the last preformance deck. If go to other decks the while in sample volume control is still on the original deck until you hit performance mode again.
fabrizio about 7 years ago

is mapper for pc? mac? iphone? thanks

DJ StuB about 7 years ago

It should work on all ... i use it on mac, ipad and iphone

Ravin about 6 years ago

Thank you so much!