Description and Instructions
Loco3D is a mapping for the DJTT MIDI Fighter 3D that is meant to be paired with another controller that has all your essential controls already.
This mapping allows for the use ofÂ
This mapping allows for the use ofÂ
- Motion FX
- Hotcues
- Macro FX
- Echo Freeze
- Slicer
- Beatgridding
- HID Remix Decks
It's really simple to use.
NOTE: Make sure the effects settings load correctly. Set up this mapping exactly as you would the DeckGrat Mapping.
Male sure the .mfs file is loaded into the MidiFighter Utility so that the colors of the LEDs and the HID mode is all enabled correctly.
NOTE: Make sure the effects settings load correctly. Set up this mapping exactly as you would the DeckGrat Mapping.
Male sure the .mfs file is loaded into the MidiFighter Utility so that the colors of the LEDs and the HID mode is all enabled correctly.

Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Evan Paster about 11 years ago
unfortunately this mapping does not work at all ... flux is sent to sync, slice to cue, freeze to play/stop ... and that's just the start
djmatthewstar over 10 years ago
Sounds to me like in addition to this mapping you have the deckgratmotion mapping in your controller manager... Delete it from your list or un-route from your mf3d and that should solve the problem.