Description and Instructions

I Found that loop edit controls were on the X1 Mk2 were missing, so I added them in a nice way :)

to activate the loop controls, simply touch one of the loop encoders and the hotcue buttons 1 and 2 will light up in green, meaning you can now edit the loop in and out points just like on the old X1 as long as you keep the buttons pressed.

As soon as you let go of the loop encoder and the edit button, the edit buttons turn back to hotcues :)
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v0.1.0
DJ IvoB almost 11 years ago
Good job! I was on the search for a loop adjust by one beat. With set the button options from "loop out" to "Loop" on the "Mode selector" for Deck A&B it really works fine for me. Thank you!