Korg NanoPAD2 HotCue, Loop, Loop Recorder, EQ Kill & Flux Control (Timmy edit)

Description and Instructions


With this mapping the Korg Controller is able to control some of the more advanced features of Traktor Pro 2.  The mapping was finalised and tested with Traktor 2.6.2 adding Flux support. 

With this mapping the Controller designed to be placed on its end to the right or left of your regular jog-wheel based controller (vertically rather than horizontally). 

Here is a breakdown of the 4 Scenes of the NanoPAD2.

Scene 1 – Select/Set + Store Hotcue’s 1-8 of decks A&B

Scene2 – Flux Control of Deck’s A&B and delete Hotcue’s 2-8 of Deck A&B (I didn’t want to add the ability to delete Hotcue 1 as this is most commonly the Beatgrid marker and deleting this will cause havoc in the middle of a set.

Scene3 – Loop Size Select + Set of Decks A&B from ¼ beat through to 32 beats. Toggle the loop active or inactive.

Scene4 – Loop Recorder Control, giving you the ability to Set Loop Size, Record, Play/Stop, Undo & Redo and Delete the contents of the loop recorder.  Additional Flux Control of Decks A&B in this scene too and Full EQ Kills for all the types of Mixer within Traktor 2.6

X-Y Pad (applies to all scenes) – with the controller placed horizontally moving your hand up and down the X-Y Pad adjusts the WET/DRY of the loop recorder. 


Hope you enjoy using this mapping.  Please feel free to leave comments on the mapping and how it could be improved (What to do with the other Axis of the X-Y pad for one ;-)


Keep on Beat!



Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v2.6.3
jtapiath over 11 years ago
I have this crazy idea, since last night when I was mapping my own nanoPAD2. I think it is actually possible to have a scene that handles hotcues normally, and other that handles flux-moded hotcues (I'm sorry for my crappy english). On other note, I'll download and try this tonight, and get back to you. But thanks in advance for the mapping!
Timmy over 11 years ago

After you saying about having a separate scene to control Flux hotcue's (I'm guessing you mean that while the hotcue pad is held down Flux mode is active and when you release the cue then the track continues to play from where it would have been if you had never touched the hotcue pad?) Well I've been working on it and I've updated this mapping to add a modifier so that on scene 1 you can Create/Set and Store Hot Cue's as before but if you touch the XY Pad then the hotcue will be deleted. That freed up the whole of scene 2 and that how has the Flux Mode hotcue's as you mentioned. I'll re-do the new explanation graphics and upload the Zip with the tsi as soon as I can. Cheers Timmy