1:1 emulation 2x Traktor Kontrol X1 AB (1 layer, multiple color LED)
Description and Instructions
This is the mapping for Decks A and B. Make sure your Xone:K2s MIDI Channel is set to 14. For Decks C and D, check https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/1501
So I've decided to make a 1:1 emulation of two Kontrol X1s, with 1 Xone:K2 controlling Deck A and B, and the other Xone:K2's controlling Deck C and D.
What's missing
So I've decided to make a 1:1 emulation of two Kontrol X1s, with 1 Xone:K2 controlling Deck A and B, and the other Xone:K2's controlling Deck C and D.
What's missing
- FX buttons; I route everything in Ableton, so haven't mapped the FX units yet. Still to come. With different colors, but no fancy mappings: just a straight copy of the X1s.
- FX 1/2 buttons with their SHIFT-layer being Master Deck and Snap/Quantize. I always play with Snap and Quantize ON, so I don't need knobs for that. Also, Traktor itself is my Master Clock, so I never make a Track Deck the Master Clock.
What's different
- LAYER button serves as the Hot Cue mode (or Modifier 7, Toggle function, color green). Pushing this button gives you control over the Hot Cues. Mapped the first Hot Cue of all Decks to act as a Load Cue. You can delete this if you will.
- EXIT SETUP button serves as the SHIFT-layer (or Modifier 8 - Hold function, color green). Both LAYER and EXIT SETUP button send out a refresh of the LEDs (Send Monitor State).
- Bottom row encoders: serve as the Browse/Load buttons. Pushing and holding SHIFT makes them Tree Browse + Expand/Collapse folders buttons.
- Top row encoders: two for each channel. Left encoder serves as the Loop/Size and their SHIFT-layer buttons. Right encoder serves as the BeatJump by 8/Move Loop buttons. Pushing Shift and pressing the right encoders switches you to Browse Mode.
- Since I don't use the < Beat and Beat > buttons much, I've decided to change them with their SHIFT-layer opposites; their purpose is now to Pitch Bend <| or |> and with SHIFT engaged, they Move by 1 beat downwards, or upwards.
- Also since I'm using Sync, I haven't mapped the TEMPO buttons on the SHIFT-layer of Loop In and Loop Out. Feel free to map them yourselves or ask me to map it.
I even managed to utilize different colors for different tasks:
- Loop Active LED of top left encoder turns green.
- Browse Mode LED of top right encoders turn green.
- Loop In When Loop In is pressed, the LED of that button turns red. When Loop Out or Loop is engaged, the LEDs of both turn green.
- CUE LED of CUE button is red. When PLAY is engaged, LED of CUE button no longer lits up, but instead the LED of PLAY button turns green.
- CUP|ABS Also serves as the Beat Phase (blinking LED) button. LED stays amber when track is not playing, turns blinking when track is playing.
- SYNC When Sync is engaged, LED of SYNC button turns amber.
- KEY On/Off When Key On is engaged, LED of KEY On/Off button turns red.
- Hot Cue LEDs of Hot Cue 2-8 are green if the Hot Cues are mapped, and the LED of Hot Cue 1 is amber; because I use that as a Load Cue, which is yellow in Traktor.
I still need to draw a graphic of all this, but it's pretty damn close to a full emulation of the Traktor Kontrol X1, but only with 1 layer, so no need to shift layers the whole time.
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
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