iPad (TouchOSC) MIDI Mapping for Traktor
Description and Instructions
iPad MIDI Mapping for Traktor PRO
The iPad is capable of controlling Traktor by using the iPad_Yoi_v2.tsi mapping for Traktor and iPad_Yoi_v2.touchosc for TouchOSC app for the iPad.
The majority of the functions in Traktor can be controlled directly from the iPad. The layout contains two remix decks, four track decks and a mixer section with the main parts of the remix and track decks.
This mapping was developed by DJ Yoi!. For support or questions please contact dj.yoi@gmx.de
Traktor Deck Flavor
Traktor layout which runs best for the mapping iPad_Yoi_v2.tsi for the iPad
To use the mapping please open Traktor and go to preferences (cmd + ;) and controller manager. In the controller manager select “add” then “import TSI” and “import others”. Load the mapping iPad_Yoi_v2.tsi for the iPad into Traktor. Download TouchOSC from hexler.net or from the AppStore install it on the iPad and load the template iPad_Yoi_v2.touchosc. How to load templates is described on the hexler.net page.
Update iPad Status
When Traktor is running and the iPad is switched on later or has been re-connected, with Shift pressed and any monitor CUE button Traktor sends out all status information for all button sliders and knobs.
Set View
The Browse button, or Shift pressed with touching the scratch pad, toggles the view of the track list by expanding the track list area and minimizing the deck area. The Browse button lights up to indicate that the track list is maximized.
Select and load Files
The Up/Down buttons, or the scratch pad with Shift pressed, are used to select tracks. By Shift pressed and touching the scratch pad the browse view is maximized and the track can be selected by sliding the finger in the scratch pad area.
The button Load for track decks or Load Set for remix decks loads a track or a remix set. Only if the deck is not playing, a track or remix set can be loaded.
Remix Decks C and D
To switch to remix deck C or D please click the most left or most right button in the very upper part of the screen. The button in the top will change the color to red to indicate the activated mode (remix, track or mixer).
The haptic of the remix decks is similar to the Kontrol F1.
Performance Pads
In the middle are 16 pads 4x4 to fire up the remix deck slots. On the very left the status of which pages is selected is shown. By pressing one of these buttons one out of four pages can be selected.
On the top of each row there is the status bar for each slot showing the slot keylock, FX, monitor and punch mode. Each mode of the slots can be changed by pressing these buttons or by pressing Shift and one of the 4x4 pads equal to the Kontol FX1. With Shift pressed the first row of the 4x4 pads toggles the keylock, the second row the FX, the third row the monitor and the fourth row the punch mode of each slot. The description can be found between the 4x4 keys and the page select buttons.
The two sliders above each slot control the volume (white) and filter (brown) of each channel.
On the bottom of the 4x4 pads are the mute buttons in orange for each slot and below that the slot status showing the trigger and play type for the actual playing slot. The trigger and play type can be changed by pressing one of these buttons.
Below the trigger and play type buttons the slot length can be adjusted by pressing the left or right button. The brown button Reset in the middle resets the sample length of the slot to the origin sample length.
Control Area
Right hand side the control area can be found.
Sync and Master
The Sync button switches the remix deck to sync mode. The button M switches the remix deck to master.
Browse and Load Area
The Browse button, or Shift pressed with touching the scratch pad, toggles the view of the track list by expanding the track list area and minimizing the deck area. The Browse button lights up to indicate that the track list is maximized.
The Up/Down buttons, or the scratch pad with Shift pressed, are used to select a remix deck. By Shiftpressed and touching the scratch pad the browse view is maximized and the remix set can be selected by moving the finger in the scratch pad area.
The button Load Set loads a remix set. Only if the remix deck is not playing, a remix set can be loaded.
Tracks can be loaded into a remix set. If a track is loaded instead of a remix set, the remix deck is switched to a track deck instead and only scratching and looping is active.
Load Sample
Loads a sample into a slot, select the sample, press and hold the button Load and press one of the buttons of the 4x4 pad where the sample needs to be stored.
Delete Sample
Deletes the sample in a slot, press and hold first the Delete button and press one of the related buttons of the 4x4 pad. With Shift pressed the complete remix set currently loaded is unloaded (empties the remix deck).
Captures a sample from a track deck or the loop recorder,
Reverses the play mode of a slot,
By touching the Scratch area the remix decks can be scratched. The Scratch area will light up in red during scratch operation. The remix deck stops playing if the Scratch area is touched. Please be sure not to touch on the Scratch area if you don’t want to scratch the remix deck.
Loop Area
The loop area can be found on the very low end of the screen. Touching one of the buttons from /32 to 32 switches the remix deck into loop mode with loop length of the touched button. The touched button and the Loop button switches to green to indicate that the loop mode is active. The loop mode can be stopped by touching the same button again or the Loop button.
Track Decks A and B
To switch to track deck C or D please click the left or right button from the middle in the very upper part of the screen. The button in the top will change the color to red to indicate the activated mode (remix, track or mixer).
Browse and Load Area
The Browse button, or Shift pressed with touching the platter, toggles the view of the track list by expanding the track list area and minimizing the deck area. The Browse button lights up to indicate that the track list is maximized.
The Up/Down buttons, or the platter with Shift pressed, are used to select a track. By Shiftpressed and touching the platter the browse view is maximized and the track can be selected by turning the platter.
The button Load loads a track into the track deck. Only if the track deck is not playing, a track can be loaded.
Performance Pads
On the top part of the track decks are 8 pads which fires up the hot cues or used for the freeze mode.
Scratch Pad
In the middle is the scratch pad for scratching or jiggling the song to the right position. Touching the scratch pad with Jog ON a red ring lights up in the middle of the scratch pad to indicate that the scratch mode is active. By sliding the finger in the scratch pad area the loaded song can be scratched.
Right hand side of the scratch pad the tempo and volume fader can be found.
The button Rev plays the song reverse by using an FX control. By pressing the Rev button on deck A the FX control for FX 1 will be changed to group control and the 3rd FX changed to Reverse Grain and switched on during holding the button. Deck B uses FX 2 for the reverse play.
Loop Area
The loop area can be found on the very low end of the screen. Touching one of the buttons from /32 to 32 switches the track deck into loop mode with loop length of the touched button. The touched button and the Loop button switches to green to indicate that the loop mode is active. The loop mode can be stopped by touching the same button again or the Loop button.
Mixer and FX
To switch to Mixer and FX please click the middle button in the very upper part of the screen. The button in the top will change the color to red to indicate the activated mode (remix, track or mixer).
The mixer is mainly to control all volume, filter and effects but includes additional the main controls for the remix and track decks.