MidiFighter 3D-Djay-Neural Mix
Description and Instructions
This is my answer to all the hype surrounding the new Serato STEMs implementation. Banks 2 and 3 use a combination of Instant FX and Neural Mix to achieve a similar result to what Serato is doing.
Please note that I use my MF 3D upside down with the USB jack at the back and the bank buttons at the front. Also make sure to import the Midi Fighter Utility file included in the ZIP file so the side buttons and LEDs work properly.
Most buttons have a Shift layer and are shown in Orange in the mapping key.
For the Neural Mix Instant FX 5-8 you can select your own options for Drums and Vocals within Djay using the pencil icon at the top right, but these are the settings that I found work best:
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
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