Denon DJ LC6000 Prime Traktor Mapping

Description and Instructions

Hi there,

As I'm really eager to use the LC6000 Prime controller with Traktor and wasn't able to find any existing mappings for it, I decided to create one on my own.

The mapping itself should be quite self explanatory - but if you still want to look something up just have a look at the actual mapping in the controller manager as I put some comments on the individual commands. If this isn't helping you, just put a comment here.

One thing that might be worth mentioning is that I decided to only go for the Hot Cue mode as I'm not really using anything else and modifiers were running out.. The controller wasn't designed to be used with layers, however, I decided to put a switch for deck A/C or B/D (depending on which pair you picked over Deck Select*) so you can actually make use of all four decks of Traktor.

*press SHIFT + SLIP (Deck Select) to enter deck selection mode. You can now choose your main deck (A/B/C/D) by using the first four performance pads.

Greetings from Germany
Problem downloading or other issues? Let us know on the forum.
Comments for v1.1.0
flow about 2 years ago
servus, wie bekomme ich die player zum laufen? ich hab dein mapping runtergeladen und geöffnet dann bin ich in Traktor drinnen aber wie geht es dann weiter? (bin nicht so gut in Sachen pc und alles was damit zutun hat) schonmal danke im Voraus :)
LuckynumberEvan about 2 years ago
Hi. First off, thank you so much for the mapping. Works great for the most part. Couple issues to mention: 1. I use a Traktor Z2 and the LC6000 will sometimes take a while to register any pitch changes. I end up having to move the pitch slider back and forth to get it to "wake up". Not sure if this happens for anyone else? 2. The colour the platter turns to does not seem to be outlined in the comments on the mapping. is it possible to change the colour. It's currenly a really bright red and I would like to change that to a green or blue (as per the SC6000 Prime). Any and all suggestions welome. Once again, thank you for mapping this out. Much appreciated.
Patrick over 2 years ago
HI, I'm having trouble getting Traktor Pro 3.6.1 to recognize two separate LC6000s at the same time. I've tried everything to get both to work but some how I can' get there. Either one LC 6000 works and the other doesn't of both work but if I switch the deck of one the other also switches and vice versa. I am probably overlooking something simple but I can't find how to specify that one LC600 is A/C and the other is B/D like the description says. Please help!
mike seim about 2 years ago

In traktor settings, under controller manager, there is a dropdown list that usually will say [Generic Midi], if you select the drop down list to view your mappings, how many LC6000 mappings do you see?

Nikolay about 2 years ago

I have the same problem. I even copy tsi file with diferent name to be used as second controller. I choose Deck a and deck B for second one, nothing works

fluxxx82 about 2 years ago

I have the same Problem, One LC6000 ist working but if i try to add the 2nd LC6000 the problem is like the same as NIKOLAY or PATRICK an the other Guys. If i add the TSI file, i see 2 Mapping LC6000 and LC6000 WD. If i add the TSI again. I have 4 Mappings, 2x LC6000 and 2x LC6000 WD I tried ervery combination, but doesnt work with the 2nd LC6000 I dont want to use VirtualDj but at the moment, it works

Cornelius Rode over 2 years ago
Hallo, ich habe heute meine zwei neuen LC6000 bekommen und direkt mit einem davon ein Testlauf gemacht. Das Mapping funktioniert super, das einzige was ich seltsam finde ist, dass der Ring des Jogwheels bei laufendem Player weiß blinkt. Sowie ich das Jogwheel berühre schaltet es auf Rot um, super! Aber das Blinken sieht nicht cool aus. Wäre es hier möglich die jeweiligen Deckfarben einzubringen? Das heißt die typischen Farben blau, rot, gr0n und gelb, je nachdem welches Deck gewählt ist. Dann hätte man auch ein optisches Feedback, welches Deck gewählt ist.
michael1971 over 2 years ago

Hi, ich komme mit dem Mapping nicht zurecht. Was muss denn in den In-Port und Out-Port stehen? Muss ich das Mapping zweimal laden um beide Player richtig zu steuern? Danke LG

niceszett over 2 years ago

@Cornelius Rode - das Blinken lässt sich hängt mit dem 'Beat Phase'-Befehl zusammen und lässt sich relativ einfach ausschalten bzw. gegen eine durchgängige Farbe ersetzen. Deinen Vorschlag mit individuellen Deckfarben finde ich sehr gut. Werde ich bei der nächsten Überarbeitung einbauen! @michael1971 - dir habe ich per Mail geantwortet.

Cornelius Rode over 2 years ago

@NICESZETT vielen Dank für deine Rückmeldung. Gestern habe ich probiert, beide Player zum Laufen zu bekommen, leider nicht geklappt. Ähnliches Problem wie bei MICHAEL1971, denke ich. Kannst du mir vllt auch die Infos zwecks In-Port und Out-Ports zukommen lassen? Könntest du mir bitte auch die Info zukommen lassen, zwecks des "Beat Phase"-Befehls und die Umstellung auf eine Farbe bzw. gibt es schon einen Plan, wann du zur Überarbeitung deines Mappings kommst? VG

ArtFullVibes over 2 years ago

Hallo .. eure Unterhaltung gelesen und hätte auch grosses Intresse ob es klappt oder nicht. Würde davon die Anschaffung abhängig machen denn als Stand alone Player sind sie Kostengünstig für gute Qualität. Danke Gruss

Nikolay about 2 years ago

It is very stupid on US website to write in other languages. As you see even a Bulgarian like me, writes in English. Please respect that, because this way we will connect with the whole world.

Billy almost 3 years ago
Hi, Mapping is not working in pro3. Any updates or fixes would be appreciated
niceszett over 2 years ago

Could you describe a little more precise what exactly is not working for you? I'm using Traktor Pro 3 as well and have no issues as well.